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Friday, December 19, 2008

Alizee - song content

Have you ever noticed (wait, what, who am I Jerry Seinfeld) the analysis of Alizee songs.

Alizee America and Lily Town forums go to great efforts to interpret their meanings. They tell a story, not all but most.

Fifty Sixty, Mon Maquis, Hey Amigo and the list goes on...
Mademoiselle Juliet is Shakespeare for goodness sake.

Look at Serge Gainsbourg and the 'History of Melody Nelson'. The whole album tells an ongoing story, it was released as a musical.

Alizee has stated she is a fan of Serge and this album, see Alizee America.

Oh by the way, Alizee stated she is a fan. Hmmmm, Serge passed away in 1991, notice how Alizee is not complaining that he is not producing anymore songs or the lack of performances. Something we can all learn from. Are you a fan of Alizee or only if she is popular and in the news?

Now let us look at some of the popular songs of the day.
* Womanizer - Brittney Spears
* Keeps Getting Better - Christina Aguilera
* Hot N Cold - Katy Perry
* Eat You Up - newcomer BoA which I commented on

Driving beats. Can hear them everywhere (except BoA at this time)
There are no forums analyzing what they mean!

I guess a Youpidou can work.
Or maybe Decollage...but then again an analysis maybe popping out any day on that and without a supporting video...well, you know.

Just so many Alizee songs have a deeper hidden meaning, it's interesting.

George, Elaine, Kramer, help me figure this one out.

Alizee Nation



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