European Dream - Alizée - Rêve Européen Alizee Nation: getting ready....


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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

getting ready....

This is "our" Christmas Eve. Tomorrow we get a present, we get to see Alizée in the new Christmas song that is spearheaded by Tahiti Boy. We are all antsy like little kids, maybe some will not even sleep tonight.

It's not often we know something is going to happen, basically we know its a short part in a new Christmas song and we know what day it is going to happen. Unusual for "us", we don't know how to act.

Now isn't that silly... all this for a 10 second shot. But it's true. There will be tweets and facebook posts and blogs and forum posts and and and... all for a glimpse of Alizée.

I plead 'no contest' ... it's true, and it's our own little phenomena, the rest of the world somehow does not see it. Once you have been given "Alizée eyes" you see it and can't figure out how you never saw it before and how all your friends don't see it.

If the song is shared via YouTube, Alizée fans will just dominate the comments. Yes even though there are 15 other artist involved. This is not a prediction... it's now just a fact. I hope everyone knows that by now. Seriously, the conversation around the Institubes water cooler should go something like this... Tahiti Boy is going to post that new Christmas song and Alizée fans are going to drive us all nuts.

This will be fun, I am looking forward to it all.
Just think if Alizée did a Chirstmas song and posted it on YouTube.... and visions of sugar plums danced in my head...

talk to you all on the other side...

Alizee Nation



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