A video compilation regarding Coldplay, Joe Satriani, Alizee and more. You make the call
Coldplay --------------------------- Alizee
Joe Satriani ----------------------- Creaky Boards
Enanitos Verdes ------------------- Marty Balin
Did you have fun?
So who copied who?
If you are really into it...
part one ------------------------- part two
Alizee Lyonnet

Alizee Search
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Alizee - Coldplay - Joe Satriani and more
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Coldplay, Joe Satriani
Saturday, December 27, 2008
as put to zombie nation by kernkraft 400
or before that it was Stardust from the game Lazy Jones on the Commodore 64 computer
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 11:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Alizee Nation
Friday, December 26, 2008
Alizee - MySpace
Alizee AND Jeremy updating their MySpace pages.
I only post this as an interesting note. I do not take this a good or bad, just interesting. I hope you do too.
Jeremy just updated today 12/26/08
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: MySpace
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Alizee and her Tinkerbell tattoo
It has been a while since we first saw "the tattoo". See, we all got used to it. We do not even think about it anymore.
I placed a poll on zimbio on May 2, 2008. 169 votes to date and it 75% like it and 25% do not. I would be willing to bet the 25% were early votes.
To see some Tinkerbell tattoo examples click here.
Back tattoos here.
Want to get some temporary Tinkerbell tattoos?
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: tinkerbell tattoo
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Alizee - 2008 Glam Awards
Alizee is nominated for the 2008 Public Glam Awards.
It is the third category down, La Plus Belle Coiffure. Most beautiful hairstyle.
You may go here to vote.
Check out the video, I think the video trys to favor Katie Holmes.
Plus a brief article on the subject.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: 2008 Glam Awards
Alizee on the internet - laetielili - skyrock
This skyrock blog of Alizee, laetielili, has been updated today which is nice. This post is during the Holidays and it is nice to see the blog has a Holiday theme.
And there is an 'Alizee guitar'. Another fun skyrock blog.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Alize blog - sphere of influence part II
Part II
12 hours later after the first post, Yes, the North American visitors has increased just as I thought it would. The East Coast of the United States came in pretty solid, and what is going on that Northwest coast of Lake Ontario in Canada? Could that be the results of a DisqueDrop?
But, overall for a 24 hour period I have to say it is pretty even.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Alizee blog - sphere of influence
While we are on the subject...
Where are all of you coming from? Who are your fellow visitors?
Well according to Feedjit:
As an overall area, currently the map is giving the visitors edge to the European sphere of influence.
According to Feedjit the map shows the last 100 visitors. Our map may look completely different 12 hours from now, maybe a second post in 12 hours...
Oh, and no matter what the results, the Canadians still out comment everyone.
Wait, there's more...
Curious as to what your fellow visitors are looking at? Scroll down to the bottom and check out "Most popular pages today" and you can be as surprised as I usually am.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: sphere of influence
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Alizee blog comments
I don't know Alizee...the 3 top commentators to the blog are all from Canada!
Not even close. What's up with that?
Maybe Canada is where you need to go next Alizee.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 5:40 PM 2 comments
Labels: Canadian commentators
Alizee - Corsica - Christmas Eve
I was going to do a Christmas Eve post...
Christmas in Corsica and a particular Christmas Eve tradition.
I thought I would share the Christmas prayer. In Corsica, elderly people tell their children or their grandchildren the secret of the ritual prayers to guard against "l'occhio", or the evil eye.
2 years ago Derekthered's blog mentioned it in his Christmas in Corsica post but dared not go any further.
...me either Derekthered
You can read a little more at Legends and Studies by Dorothy Carrington and here.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas
Alizee - First day of winter
Well at least here in the Northern Hemisphere.
A side note I heard that the Mayan Calender and the December 21, 2102 end of the world prophecy is really today! There is a 4 year alteration to match up to our current calender. So I really want to get all my posts in before the end of the day (world).
Made some subtle changes here and there and will be making a few more.
I had to update the AlizeeTube section on the left hand column. The 'Daily Motion' 'Hey Amigo' was gone. Something interesting I noticed. Go to Daily Motion and look for Hey Amigo videos...all the concert videos are gone! Just a mash up. I thought that was a little unusual.
Have some fun and join the new 'friends' widget on the right hand column, and when you join you might as well join DisqueDrops also.
Is that Alizee strolling over to join?
Of course you can call me Amigo, one could only hope.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: first day of winter
Alizee on the internet - Alizee Merchandising's blog
This is an interesting Alizee skyrock blog. It references some merchandise and clothing that Alizee wore. It has not been updated since September but still and interesting blog.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Alizee on the internet - Alizee Merchandising's blog
Friday, December 19, 2008
Alizee - song content
Have you ever noticed (wait, what, who am I Jerry Seinfeld) the analysis of Alizee songs.
Alizee America and Lily Town forums go to great efforts to interpret their meanings. They tell a story, not all but most.
Fifty Sixty, Mon Maquis, Hey Amigo and the list goes on...
Mademoiselle Juliet is Shakespeare for goodness sake.
Look at Serge Gainsbourg and the 'History of Melody Nelson'. The whole album tells an ongoing story, it was released as a musical.
Alizee has stated she is a fan of Serge and this album, see Alizee America.
Oh by the way, Alizee stated she is a fan. Hmmmm, Serge passed away in 1991, notice how Alizee is not complaining that he is not producing anymore songs or the lack of performances. Something we can all learn from. Are you a fan of Alizee or only if she is popular and in the news?
Now let us look at some of the popular songs of the day.
* Womanizer - Brittney Spears
* Keeps Getting Better - Christina Aguilera
* Hot N Cold - Katy Perry
* Eat You Up - newcomer BoA which I commented on
Driving beats. Can hear them everywhere (except BoA at this time)
There are no forums analyzing what they mean!
I guess a Youpidou can work.
Or maybe Decollage...but then again an analysis maybe popping out any day on that and without a supporting video...well, you know.
Just so many Alizee songs have a deeper hidden meaning, it's interesting.
George, Elaine, Kramer, help me figure this one out.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Song Content
Alizee - the power of duplication and other random thoughts
We really just have a loosely formed group of Alizee network marketers. Multi level marketing if you will. Someone does something, hooks up with someone else and so forth. Some get good at it, some complain the 'original product' should do something to help the promotion...if they did we would not need you. They drop out, others keep going because they actually enjoy it (me).
I happened to click on a blog (yeah I do that) just to see what it was about. It listed the authors most recently listened to songs on last.fm. I noticed a song by Beyonce called 'Bonnie and Clyde'. Was it the Serge Gainsbourg song he did with Brigette Bardot? It appears not.
But there was a video, several videos. Live performances, the actual music video and everything in high quality. For a song I was not aware of!
The same goes for the Serge Gainsbourg - Brigette Bardot version. There is a lot to look at.
I wondered, can a song make it without a video? That is the question at hand.
Video is the power of duplication. Broadway plays vs Movies or Films. A play can only be performed one at a time. A movie can open in 6,000 places at once! Promotional wise it is no contest even though the artist may enjoy the live performance more.
So there sits Lily Town for example. All alone, except for the audio and some low quality concert duplications from network marketers.
I wonder...
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 9:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: duplication
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Alizee on the internet - alizee-lili blog
Alizee-Lili's blog on Skyblog.
I want to share these blogs from Skyblog because they just do not show up on normal Google searches. Skyblog is very limiting which is why they tend to look a like. Note how they jump all over the latest pics and use them.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Alizee on the internet - alizee-town's blog
A Skyrock blog alizee-town's blog. Just so happens it's one I like to read.
Just folks supporting someone they like.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Alizee on the internet - alizee-clochette's blog
Alizee on the internet takes us to alizee-clochette's blog
Skyrock has an abundance blogs related to Alizee.
Pictures, videos and some comments. You can change pages at the center bottom of the page. Only mentioned it because it was hard to find.
Have fun
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 7:45 PM 1 comments
Alizee on the internet
The last series of Alizee vs Alizee was fun and we hope you enjoyed it. Now we will start a new series of Alizee on the internet.
I read that the month of December is the biggest month for internet surfing, so what a great month to start this new series of Alizee on the internet.
This will be more of an on going series. We will be visiting sites that have something to do with Alizee. Obviously we have our list of links that pertain to Alizee on the right hand side. But this is going to be more fun, finding blogs, smaller fan sites, as opposed to the major sites.
After sharing the tecktonik dancing to Alizee songs I thought it would be fun to share more sites like this.
They may be in any language, you may have to use your babelfish translator to read it.
I beleive somehow we all need to link together and support each other... and away we go.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Alizee on the internet
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Alizee music to tecktonik dance
Tecktonik dance for anyone the does not know is almost all upper body and arm movements. Very popular in Europe, almost unheard of in America.
Two videos, the first half of both are to Alizee songs. Decollage and Hey Amigo.
Unusual and entertaining. It's Micia posting her videos out of Poland.
Please do more Micia. There are plenty of Alizee song remixes to a more tecktonic beat. I am sure some of the guys that read this would be happy to supply you with the mp3.
Bardzo dobrze. Czy więcej Micia i daj nam znać.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: tecktonic Micia
Monday, December 15, 2008
Alizee Shoes - Moi...Lolita boots
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Moi...Lolita Shoes
Alizee vs Alizee - Moi...Lolita
Well here we are, Alizee vs Alizee - Moi...Lolita.
Video ------------------------------------------Live-Jeans-Italy
Live-Amsterdam-Radioactiveman fav -----------------------Live en concert
No I just could not pick just one.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 10:41 PM 3 comments
Labels: Alizee vs Alizee - Moi...Lolita
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Alizee vs Alizee - Fifty Sixty
From the Psychédélices album it's Fifty Sixty and Alizee vs Alizee. Music video vs live performance.
Video ----------------------------------------------------Live
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 6:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Alizee vs Alizee - Fifty Sixty
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Alizee vs Alizee - A Contre Courant
Today in Alizee vs Alizee it's A Contre Courant.
Video ----------------------------------------------Live
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Alizee vs Alizee - Gourmandises
The Alizee Gourmandises was the easiest to pick to date.
Video vs live performance continues...
Video ----------------------------------------Live
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Alizee vs Alizee, Gourmandises
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Alizee vs Alizee - Mademoiselle Juliette
Mademoiselle Juliette, another tough live choice. There is the Disques D'Or, it has a bit of a production number with it and I did open my mouth asking for more dance. There is the Luna awards show and I love the look. Then the nrj one which is nice.
After all that, I am going with a low quality video, I just can not pass up Alizee 'in the chair' if you know what I mean!
As far as the video is concerned, the original Mademoiselle Juliette has embedding disabled by request, hmmmm, I wonder what is up with that. I actually like this version better because on the original the sound being made during the first 40 seconds was irritating on my ears.
Video -------------------------------------------------------Live
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 5:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Alizee vs Alizee, MJ
Alizee blog extends a welcome...
Recently there have been many visitors from forums
Thank you for stopping by:
Alizee America
Harmony Central Musician Community Forums
Bodybuilding.com forums
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: forums
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Alizee vs Alizee - J'ai Pas Vingt Ans
Based on the previous post we might as well jump to J'ai Pas Vingt Ans don't you think?
This is a tough one for me. The live Tour Eiffel is nice, the crowd, the background...not bad. But the video, the choreography is nice and catching a glimpse of Alizee on drums, that's hard to beat.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Alizee - I miss the dance
In my opinion I generally have preferred Alizee's live performance vs her videos. Not every time but generally. I think that is a bit unusual, most major artist have that killer video and the live performance has a tough time keeping up with all the choreography, special effects and the perfect studio recording. With Alizee her live performances have been special.
In regards to Alizee's latest concerts what I miss is the dance. This IS the performer that World of Warcraft took her dance moves and incorporated them into their video game! Where have those moves gone? I would like to see more choreography mixed in to the latest mix. Not every song, just a few songs worth. That is all I am looking for.
I understand and support the family choice and seeing her less.
The few and far between concerts...hey who does not want to see more Alizee but I will take what I can get.
But the performances that do come about, please more dance, more choreography!
We saw some a few months ago when Alizee sang Madonna's Hung Up on French television and teased us. More please.
Fans recognize her moves and emulate them. One of the things I get a kick out of are the fans during the Youpidou performance, check it out...
What are they doing! It's the dance from J'ai Pas Vingt Ans! More Alizee dance moves.
Here is a short clip of Alizee doing it
And come on, guys too, you know you did this move in your kitchen while making breakfast.
I love the new look, the songs are great but, but, the moves, the dance, the choreography...if you dance, they will come!
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 8:40 PM 3 comments
Labels: choreography
Alizee vs Alizee - L'Alize
Alizee, video vs a live performance - L'Alize.
Video ------------------------------------------------Live
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Alizee vs Alizee, L'Alize
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Alizee vs Alizee - J'en Ai Marre
This will be a small series of post. I had this idea I wanted to write about and then I thought everyone must be tired of reading my post, let's try to make the point through Alizee videos, we never tire of Alizee.
Which Alizee performance do you prefer? The video or the live performance. It's going to be tough picking which live performance to use!
Today's face off performance will be J'en Ai Marre
The Video-----------------------------------------------The Live Performance
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Alizee vs Alizee
Monday, December 8, 2008
Alizee - Coldplay - Joe Satriani
Well after much internet noise over this subject something has finally happened.
Coldplay is being sued in Los Angeles federal court for copyright infringement by Joe Satriani.
The newspaper Chicago Tribune article dated December 5, appears to be shocked by the first line in that article. "Coldplay being sued for plagiarism by -- hold your breath -- Joe Satriani?"
Readers here are not so shocked recalling the post dated August 31, 2008 in which we mentioned Joe Satriani along with a video.
Hmmmm, I see the Tribune Company was seeking bankruptcy protection today. Maybe some of their advertisers would like to advertise here! Now there is a shocking thought.
UPDATE from reader Ruroshen:
The Sun UK has also posted a story on the Satriani lawsuit, with an added bonus: Lili gets mentioned in the second paragraph of this story, and JEAM is linked at the bottom along with If I Could Fly and Creaky Boards (another previous song that features the contentious IV-V-I-vi chord progression).
Now we just need a few of the North American news outlets to pick this up and run with it, and Alizée will be a household word!
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 7:43 PM 1 comments
Labels: Coldplay, Joe Satriani
An Alizee Fan
A bit off topic but...On December 5, a fan, Ervin, posted a small comment to the September 25 post Veni, Vidi, Vici. It was just a small compliment "nice job!
we all love alizee....!!!"
Ervin has a blog
If you are like me you will have to use 'babel fish' to read it, it is written in Greek.
Ervin is 19 and his user profile location is Athens, Greece.
Based on what is going on in Greece right now, we can only hope that all is well with Ervin.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: fan
Alizee - BoA
Like Alizee, BoA was a teenage star. BoA has had multi million selling albums in her home country of South Korea (k-pop) and Japan (j-pop). After growing out of her teenage image she had to go through the dreaded image change. There were some declining sales that accompanied this change. As you can see there are some similarities to Alizee. Some differences, BoA is two years younger then Alizee, not married, no children, multilingual and making the move into the American market.
Her hit "Eat You Up"
Here is a 3 part introduction to BoA and her move to the American market. The point here is to notice the work involved and no family around.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: BoA
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Alizee - Amelie
I do like to run through the web occasionally and read what is being talked about concerning Alizee.
Shame on me for not promoting the movie Amelie. Mia culpa. I have had the movie promo listed as the last video on my left hand column but I have not mentioned, promoted or posted much if anything regarding it.
It's a wonderful movie.
Amélie is a 2001 French film directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and starring Audrey Tautou. Its original French title is Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain which literally translates as "The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain"; poulain is French for foal. Written by Jeunet with Guillaume Laurant, the film is a whimsical and somewhat idealised depiction of contemporary Parisian life, set in Montmartre. It tells the story of a shy waitress who decides to change the lives of those around her for the better, while struggling with her own isolation.
What about the traveling gnome?
The movie:
Amelie persuades her father to follow his dream of touring the world by stealing his garden gnome and having an air-hostess friend send pictures of it from all over the world.
The traveling gnome prank: Wikipedia-
Is a method of returning a garden gnome "to the wild". It involves stealing a gnome, taking it on a trip, and photographing it at famous landmarks, with the photos being returned to the owner.
There are many clubs and organizations dedicated to the prank; the best-known of these is the Garden Gnome Liberation Front.
The tradition was first recorded in Australia in the 1980s.
The travel commercials:
Travelocity the travel agency based an ad campaign on the "Roaming Gnome" theme.
Yes, I know, another one of those 6 degrees of seperation posts...Alizee to Amelie to gnomes to Travelocity..........and back to Alizee singing the promo
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Amelie
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Alizee - Ricky Nelson
A little about Ricky Nelson from wikipedia: Was an American singer, musician and actor. With more than 50 Hot 100 hits, Nelson was second only to Elvis Presley as the most popular rock and roll artist of the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Along with brother David Nelson, the family starred in the long-running radio and television series The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet from 1944 to 1954 on the radio, and 1952 to 1966 on television.
From "the straight dope"
His star faded in the mid 1960s. He tried valiantly to regain the top of the charts, but it seemed the British invasion was thwarting him at every turn. Ironically, however, a song he wrote in the early 1970s about his disillusionment with the music industry was his biggest hit.
In October 1971 Rick was invited to play in a reunion show at Madison Square Garden, alongside such early rock luminaries as Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Little Richard and others. By this time his hair had grown shoulder length and he was heavily into the country rock genre. When he mixed in new material with his old music, the audience began to boo.
This song, Garden Party, was written in response to the crowd reaction at Madison Square Garden. Not only did the crowd want to hear the old songs but wanted him to look like he used to look!!! Sound familiar???
Keep asking for Alizee to look and be what she used to be she may have to have her own 'Garden Party'
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 12:31 AM 1 comments
Labels: Ricky Nelson
Friday, December 5, 2008
Alizee blog miscellaneous
Some eclectic information that has me thinking...
I noticed that the last 50 visitors on 13 were from the United States. Interesting, something I need to be aware of for future viewer content.
One day this week there was a run of hits coming from a body building forum. Of course I had to check what this was all about. There was a discussion going on regarding Alizee. Wow, it was a mess of misinformation. 2 fake pictures. Someone then listed our humble blog, that started a rush. I hope it helped everyone get a truer picture of what Alizee is all about. It was tempting to join and log in and get the information corrected, but...it just needs to happen in a natural manner. We can hope we picked up a fan or two.
A few weeks ago I spotted Alizee talk in some pretty unusual forums. I would be doing them a favor by calling them political, but I will. No need to boost readership there.
So with different people looking for information and coming to the blog I was concerned about content. I read a great article on the online media today ad it got me thinking. With a blog the information keeps 'churning'. A new post takes over top spot of an old post. Better posts can get buried by some less informative post. And there they stay buried in March of 2008, among 300 other post.
It got me thinking. Is there a simple and easy way to rate a post. Something that may help identify a "best of" series. (not the worst of, please) This could be really useful for new readers. I would love it for blogs I find. There maybe 15 "best of" post out of 300, new readers can go straight there! The ESPN sports highlights of the blog.
In lieu of me looking endlessly for a program, possibly someone out there knows of asystem that works. I found one I am looking into, authorati. It has to be free and easy. That always works for me!
I could do it based on what I think. But as you know I am always shocked at what readers are looking for and what they may rate as a post worthy of reading.
Email me, post a comment or use the shout box if you know of something that may work and make this a better blog.
Thank you all for getting the blog to this point.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 8:34 AM 2 comments
Labels: blog posting
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Alizee - Holiday Season
Like everywhere else the Holiday season is starting early here at the blog and so is the start of the Holiday Alizee videos.
This video is from ReneDydo out of the Czech Republic (yes Senator McCain it is called the Czech Republic).
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Season Greetings
Monday, December 1, 2008
Working out with Alizee
Does anyone do that?
A comment from reader Sarah got me to thinking (yeah, I hate when that happens)
Sarah writes about treadmills. There is one article called 'Mix it up with music'
Sharing from Sarah's article: "If you’re getting tired of doing the same routine, try adding music to your routine. How can music help? First, working out to a different beat can change the intensity of your workouts. You may not even realize this has happened until you start feeling it in different muscle groups."
So, does anyone work out to Alizee?
I ran across a work out mp3, you can check it out here. It is on the bottom widget, called 'Fitness Club'. It is J'en ai Marre being used as a work out motivation song. I am not sure on the orgin of this mp3 download. It just gets too convoluted.
Staying healthy with Alizee.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Alizee work out