We really just have a loosely formed group of Alizee network marketers. Multi level marketing if you will. Someone does something, hooks up with someone else and so forth. Some get good at it, some complain the 'original product' should do something to help the promotion...if they did we would not need you. They drop out, others keep going because they actually enjoy it (me).
I happened to click on a blog (yeah I do that) just to see what it was about. It listed the authors most recently listened to songs on last.fm. I noticed a song by Beyonce called 'Bonnie and Clyde'. Was it the Serge Gainsbourg song he did with Brigette Bardot? It appears not.
But there was a video, several videos. Live performances, the actual music video and everything in high quality. For a song I was not aware of!
The same goes for the Serge Gainsbourg - Brigette Bardot version. There is a lot to look at.
I wondered, can a song make it without a video? That is the question at hand.
Video is the power of duplication. Broadway plays vs Movies or Films. A play can only be performed one at a time. A movie can open in 6,000 places at once! Promotional wise it is no contest even though the artist may enjoy the live performance more.
So there sits Lily Town for example. All alone, except for the audio and some low quality concert duplications from network marketers.
I wonder...
Alizee Lyonnet

Alizee Search
Friday, December 19, 2008
Alizee - the power of duplication and other random thoughts
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 9:28 AM
Labels: duplication
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