Here we sit, 2010 and what a year it should be. A magazine article any day, any hour pictures and news and perspectives, oh boy. Yeah yeah, everyone at Institubes thinks we are a little cultish and crazy, but don't forget, now that Alizée is under the Institube label you inherit have these cool French underground guys...and they are kind of looking at's like when the nerdy cousin has to go live with the cool cousin for the summer...AND THEY BECOME BEST FRIENDS but at first they didn't know what to do with each other. Yeah, like that, it's going to be fun...well, it already is.
This month for sure brings us Les Enfoires...hopefully everything is on track for that. Always some great things from that. The black and white photos from last year taken by Jo Jacotey were just awesome. Two years ago was a favorite of mine, "Le Match". I can watch that over and over.
Then there is the pending single, album and tour. I've been around long enough now to will be released when it will be released. Sometimes I get caught up in too...but truthfully the reaction business is what it's all about and unless Alizée calls you can't be the first. Remember when September was the rumor...sheesh.
A tour...2 dates, 10 dates???...Europe...Mexico...??? Do you all remember when Alizée mentioned Chile or did I dream that?? Since Alizée worked with Chateau Marmont will she perform with them??? I am always peeking at Chateau Marmonts Myspace to check their upcoming events to see what they are doing...awwww I shouldn't have said anything :/
I am sure there will be more TV spots this year to support the album. The style of the album, well now that is what it is ALL about. Don't forget it is a concept album too.
So there we go, the year ahead. I didn't guess or predict, didn't mention any names that I shouldn't yet be mentioned or affiliated with Alizée or the new album! I have been very good. I want to stay on Alizée's good side...working on that press pass for when the concerts start!
Oh no, don't give me that look girlfriend
don't even go there
bloggers are press too
2 years...
768 posts later...
being creative, well my type of creative...
working when you were vacationing...
posting during the lean times...
it's easy now...
typing my fingers to the bones...
in all types of weather (I was running out of arguments)..
and on this meager salary...I don't care what you told me about the strong Euro...€0 still converts to $0 USD! I checked!
Well, now thats that out of the way...have a great New Year every one
Alizee Lyonnet

Alizee Search
Thursday, December 31, 2009
2010 - Alizée - The year ahead
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 10:26 PM 1 comments
Labels: 2010 - Alizée - The year ahead
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Alizée upcoming magazine article
I sometimes feel I wander the Alizée desert, searching, waiting, anticipating...and I receive this Alizée manna to sustain me from time to time...
I, like you will be anxious to see and read what is going to be coming out. Pictures...of will post and repost and turn them into our private icons and avatars. But the interview. We shall analyze it, look for more meaning then is being said. Will it only pertain to the new album or will it have more. Chateau Marmont and Rob are interviewed. Now at first I thought...oh about the album only I'm sure, BUT it does state "as well as interviews from Chateau-Marmont and Rob ... about Alizée." Well now! Third party interviews about Alizée...really?
I am now more anxious then before.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 8:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Alizée upcoming magazine article
Girl on Fire
The other day I was in a book store and ran across the book "Girl on Fire". This is about Edie Sedgwick. I was not prepared to purchase it but it is on my list. It is filled with pictures, interviews and quotes from people who knew her.
It looks very fascinating. It noted, she came to New York, not a singer or actress or songwriter ...and still just took over a room just as Edie.
at Amazon
Edie passed away in 1971 and it seems so long ago...yet there are key people still around, Lou Reed, Bob Dylan, her husband Michael Brett Post...Girl on Fire looks like an interesting read.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Girl on Fire
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Alizée fans between holidays
OK, we are all looking around at each other and saying what's next. It's funny how you almost take a pulse on a subject via Twitter.
My guess is that most of us are following the latest and that is for a magazine article to come out this week. You can read about it at Alizée America.
The magazine is reported to be TECHNIKART the January issue.
La bulle de Jul' other good articles here...
Well, like you, I will wait for the issue to come out....
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 7:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: Alizée fans between holidays
Saturday, December 26, 2009
It's Christmas (And It Won't Be The Last) sing along version
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Labels: It's Christmas (And It Won't Be The Last) sing along version
Thursday, December 24, 2009
It's Christmas [And It Won't Be The Last]
Thanks to Alice Lewis, Alizée, Annily, Antoine "Jamaica - Palmtree" Hilaire, Bertrand Fresel, Chicken Spot, Da Brasilians, Daniel Zimmerman, David Aknin, Didier "Palmtree" Perrin, DVNO, Esther Echenoz, Fred Deces, Fred Pallem, Hugh Coltman, Jean "Palmtree" Thévenin, Jean René Etienne, Jérôme "Tacteel" Echenoz, Johane Myran, Jonathan Matters - Palmtree, Juliette "Diving With Andy" Paquereau, Loane, Martin Ladd, Mike Ladd, Nicolas Sztanke, Ornette, Paul Mesguich, Revolver, Samy "Domingo" Osta, Sophie Toporkoff, Studio Plus 30, Tahiti Boy and the Palmtree family, Thibault Vinçon, Thomas de Pourquery, Vincent "Palmtree" Martial, Chab
Music : Tahiti Boy / Lyrics : Tahiti Boy and Mike Ladd / Arrangements : Fred Pallem
Recorded by Bertrand Fresel, Fred Deces, Samy Osta / Video : Nicolas Sztanke
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 8:21 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Alizée - Palmtree Family - Christmas Song
A "BIG" Thank you to @PalmtreeFamily for keeping us updated via Twitter. In reverse order...because that is kind of how I think...
You can find Palmtree Family at...
...did you notice the logo...grand piano unended to resemble a palm tree...and take a look at Liberace's pool on Palmtree Family's MySpace page. Oh...don't tell me you never heard of Liberace. Well, that is why there is wikipedia.
And finally in the 'you can find' category...after looking at Palmtree Family Myspace you must be able to identify Tahiti Boy in the "Team Pic" by now. He is really the easiest to I am not doing it for you...I can neither confirm or deny that anyone has anything to do with anything.
Interesting side note...well to me it is...obviously this is not a...shall we say...a standard industry promotion. What I mean by that is that this 'Christmas Song', due to it being 2 days before the Holiday will be an internet release. Is that the correct word? Release, promotion... and will it go viral? Come on, this is fascinating, the story within the story. How will it hit the internet, MySpace, Facebook, Youtube...will "they" throw it out there and see what "we" do with it. I can not wait to follow this portion of the story. Tahiti Boy or someone is all over this part and I would love to know more about the logistics of the release and what they may expect as compared to what actually happens. It is just so freaking interesting.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 6:53 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Alizée name droppers
There are sure lots of hints of something going on. A tweet here a facebook comment there. Alizée's name being dropped here and being included in a mention there. It sure sounds like some fun is going on. Other then that I am not guess what is going on, I do not want to get into the I/we can not confirm or deny...I'm gonna be good for goodness sakes, Alizée is coming to town...
I am just going to wait till the present is given to me and open at that time...I will try not to peek, I will try not to peek, I will try not to peek...Alizée they are teasing us! and I am trying to be good.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 6:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Alizée name droppers
Monday, December 21, 2009
Fifty Sixty - The Alizée Effect
Looking back at the fifty sixty video I hope that we will still have the little mysteries to play with. I think fifty sixty is an under rated video. You know...the clothing shots...
Real quick:
There was this clip from the video and then Alizée in Mexico wearing it
There was this clip from the video and then Alizée on TV wearing it
There was this clip from the video and then Alizée on TV wearing it
I love how this all had to be planned out 9-12 months in advance. Just think, when the video was released we had no idea what these pics of outfits adds to the legacy of Alizée and her mysteries and her cleverness.
There is a lot more going on in that video, the above were the easy ones, are you going to go back and examine fifty sixty again? What little things were included that we have never noticed or talked about? There are more clothing shots and shoe shots that were all part of a master plan. That Nostradamus Effect again. We are not aware of it until after it happens...The Alizée Effect
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fifty Sixty - The Alizée Effect
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Alizée - Business book roundup
Well now...this really is not going to appeal to all of you but a comment in the prior post made me decide to do a review of some previous posts in regards to some fad business books.
I have fun looking at marketing side of it. So glad there is someone else out there that enjoys that type of analysis.
I do not advocate Alizée should do this or should do that, I really don't care for that. Alizée is going to do what is best for Alizée. I believe and support that.
Here what we are doing is just having fun relating something we read in regards to Alizée.
Just another way to relate to Alizée.
So for all you business and marketers out there...
Based on the book "The Tipping Point"
The Tipping Point
Making it in the USA
The above was based on 'what if' in the USA, I am not sure it that is the right thing for her.
I look at the "Tipping Point" as an example of what happened in Mexico.
"The World is Flat"
The World is Flat
"Crossing the Chasm"
Crossing the Chasm
"A Whole New Mind"
this one is in the comments
"Reality Check"
Bottom up Evangelism
"The Long Tail"
The Ants Have Megaphones
Thought I had a "Freakonomics", "Wikinomics" and a Seth Godin in there but maybe not. So I hope there is something interesting in there for you and I will try to read "Crush It" in the next couple of weeks.
Remember it was just for fun...
What it does for me is it helps me understand what she may or may not want to accomplish. It forces me to look at things through Alizée's eyes. She did this or did not do that...why, and try to come up with an answer. If you keep coming up with this answer, "it doesn't make sense", then you maybe still looking at the situation through your "fan" eyes. Ask yourself "how would this make sense". "What she may not want to accomplish" seems to be a tough thought for most to get their mind around. means she does not want to come to my country....or... tour 48 out of 52 weeks a year. Maybe, I don't know but maybe! ...We keep looking for what we want to see...we keep taking the facts and trying to make them into what we want to hear. So next time you say...why isn't she doing this...say...if it were me why would I not be doing that...because that is not what I want to accomplish.
I can't believe that guy or that girl is not calling me. You're confused, it does not make sense. Look through it from that persons eyes....that is not what they want to accomplish...oh!
So, Alizée may want to be with her family, raise her child...whatever..the goals "we" have for her may not be the same goals she has for herself.
That is what the books help to do, analyze from a different point of view.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 6:41 AM 3 comments
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Alizée in graph form...
As you can see the official home page was flat all summer long...even through the tweet wall fun...then the home page updates! The discovery of the egg, the myspace update, a couple of tweets...had things jumping. The small superimposed graph at the bottom reflects US interest, the bigger graph chart reflects world interest.'s just a graph, don't get carried away with it but interesting.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 8:21 AM 2 comments
Labels: Alizée in graph form...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Alizée - MaximalMinimal
Just a small little article from MaximalMinimal
Interesting how the pic they used is one from the David Rubato remix of 5060 with and Institubes watermark...go check it out.
Google Translation:
"Information was nearly official for some time, here confirmed.
A team dispatched by Institubes shock has just completed production of the 4th album Alizée. The young singer surrounded therefore Chateau Marmont, David Rubato, Rob, and Tahiti Boy Tacteel for a child of the century, due out early 2010.
The information was revealed on the official website of Alizee and relayed via Twitter Tacteel.
This unlikely collaboration is not necessarily a surprise, remember, in 2008, David Rubato had signed a hypnotic remix of the title-Fifty Sixty ... What we give good hope for the quality of this album to come."
Nothing too special it's just that the beating drums are getting closer and louder.
Why is it now every time I use google translate I feel I have to apologize...oh that Roman...
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 4:06 PM 0 comments
French Lyrics...
Perhaps is it becoming fashionable to use some French Lyrics...
Lady Gaga has them in Bad Romance
Leighton Meester has a line in Somebody to Love
and of course the Victoria Secret's commercial using Baby, Baby, Baby.
And wouldn't you know it, I know someone who sings in French!
Hmm, I wonder how Alizee's Spanish song will be received in the Spanish speaking community in America? That maybe interesting.
Baby, Baby, Baby...
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: French Lyrics...
Alizée - skyblog
A year ago I ran a series on skyrock blogs. I did an internal search and here are a few. Skyrock mainly serves Europe and I was curious especially with the increase of Alizée activity. Some were more serious in their efforts and still there, some not.
In reference to the above search there is is there and of course is still going strong with lots of pics to click on. You can log on and make comments, let them know their efforts are appreciated.
Quick French lesson of the day for English speakers, 'ici' means 'here', so if you see that it is telling you to "click here" or to click on that link to see what it there.
If you have some time and want to have some fun you can search out Alizée blogs at skyblog, clic ici. Yes, that was a practice test. You can do some Alizée searches there.
What? I can't always do all your work sharing things... :) find some you really like....I'll post them...something like reader anon likes ....sometimes it needs to be about what readers like and not what we like. That is if you find something you want to share. Maybe you will find some hot new news.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 7:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Alizée - skyblog
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Johnny Hallyday - Get Well
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Labels: Johnny Hallyday - Get Well
Monday, December 14, 2009
Alizée - Scent of a Woman...Hoo-wa
I was reading this article...Does scent enhance consumer product memories?
The answer is yes!
"It may seem odd to add scent to products like sewing thread, automobile tires, and tennis balls, as some companies have done. But a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research says scent helps consumers remember product information."
Well now...I'm all for that! Technology and marketing meet and now another way to embed Alizée into your brain. From the available scents we think it appropriate to go with Tagada.
Tagada??? what song, what scent??? Reflections will tell you...Abracadabra...Fraise Tagada or Strawberry!
Never afraid of using beta technology we use the Tagada Strawberry for our scent combined with an Alizée pic to create our high tech online scratch and sniff to help consumers remember.
So the pic on the right is the combined tech so far has some saying the scent is more grape and we are having some technical problems with Macbooks...we are working on it. Remember, it's the one on the right with the scent. With new technology feedback is appreciated.
Now let's not start anything here...please no office / studio jokes like: Alizée do your feet really smell like strawberries or calling her strawberry feet....don't get me in trouble.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 5:17 PM 0 comments
Alizée - France
So, I was thinking ;) ...when was the last time Alizée performed live in France? Since En Concert in 2004?
Not including Les Enfoires. I was thinking just live on stage...
There were a few for television...let's are some of them...
There was TV5 Monde
Threre was 'Love is all you need" and "Hung Up"
A few duets...
There were many MJ television performances...the blue shoes, the MJ outfit, the high low hem outfit...yeah, that's how I remember them.
The same for 5060...Live for M6 and more...
too many to post...what? too many...Alizée has done more then we is just that they were on French television. France...You are lucky
So, the non television, non Les Enfoires, performance in France since En Concert...this is what come up with, you know the NRJ tour show in Ugs, Edie tights, leather jacket and tunic top...there I go again...
As far as I know that was not for television...I could be wrong & it's the only one I could come up
The few concerts may have been in Moscow and Mexico but have her all the time! I did not realize this until I thought there were too many videos to post.
I put this together on a whim...correct me or add to it if you feel like it.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 10:35 AM 1 comments
Labels: Alizée - France
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Alizée jigsaw puzzle
An Alizée jigsaw puzzle? Ahhh go ahead, you know you want to.
It's 40 pieces of fun :) just click on the pic
Yeah, I like that's not 1080p or HD, it's like a water color and the look...
What pic would you use...
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 6:38 PM 4 comments
Labels: Alizée jigsaw puzzle
WHAT..."without affording satisfaction"
Are you experiencing AD? Alizée Dysfunction.
We all is almost 2 months since the teasers appeared, it is no longer a tease it is now torture.
And yet the only thing we can do is wait. Rumors are always flying is difficult to determine if they are leaks, teasers or just another rumor. They are fun to read but I hold back on repeating them as news.I guess I could repeat it as rumors, but...WWAW - What Would Alizée Want
We shall see what stories gain momentum and which fade away and if any state references...most do not.
I will slip one in when it when I think it is appropriate.
Do you really want me to start signing off...until we meet again...Gossip Girl XOXO
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 8:05 AM 2 comments
Labels: Teaser
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Alizée thoughts
As we sneak up on the new year there some random thoughts that have on my mind.
With the teasers and anticipating more Alizée I almost am forgetting that this will be a concept album. I was reminded of this by Roman (@RoTwit) from his thoughts on the movie "Factory Girl". "Factory Girl" is based on the life of Edie Sedgwick. It is a good movie to get some idea of what life was like at 'The Factory' with Andy Warhol and possibly some insight on some of the songs we are about to hear. Keep in mind Lou Reed was an integral part of 'The Factory' scene and his thoughts were not kind. For us I feel it can give us an overall feel for the her situation and possibly some insight into the upcoming songs.
Being an Alizée fan we find ourselves learning other things...some are learning French... I like learning about the French culture. It is not always easy to understand how other cultures think and act. Something we have no problem with another culture may find it improper or insulting.
So, do you wonder about ... Alizée first having a song and now a whole concept album centered on an American? Or being popular in Mexico...and if that impacts in any way, shape or form her popularity at home. From my point of view I do not see how any of that matters, but again it is just my point of view...
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 9:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Alizée thoughts
Friday, December 11, 2009
Alizee Nation random visits...
First let's start off with a quick review, no new news. OK, now that we covered that....alright I will take a little more time on that... so what DO we think. I would be surprised if something would break now, so many other things going on in the world...Holiday seasons, the new year, Tiger know, important stuff! If I had to guess, and believe me I have to ;), we may possibly, probably, maybe see some version of a new years tweet.
Does the release time of an album mean anything to possible awards? Oh gosh, I do not want to even speculate on that. But did I not just speculate, no no I did not. Speculation got my derriere a little too close to the edge lately...
On to these random visits...visitors will visit just one odd post and then leave. One of my goals was to attract random visitors and perhaps get them curious and covert them into Alizee fans. (Lowered voice) Yes, it was my one man mission in life.
I find it amusing they visit some odd post and really bad wait, there is more, there are really 5 good posts out of 600...
But in return I find odd things too!
Here a Czech article in which the author lists 10 great rock records. Alizee's Mes Courants électriques is one of them. I am not here to argue the validity of his choices but to realize he had a choice. Not everyone everywhere is even aware of album to make it a choice, it kind of makes me sad...
Here it is, randomness in reverse
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 7:13 AM 1 comments
Labels: Alizee Nation random visits...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Bonjour America
If you have never watched Cyrille de Lasteyrie in Bonjour America you should. He has a fun time poking fun at the differences between France and America.
"A true question. Are the French arrogant or is there a scientific explanation? And what about Paris Hilton?"
Bringing people closer together
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bonjour America
Alizée vs Annette
Thank goodness for other Alizée fans out there. Today a tweet from @AlizeeSAfrica pointed out a website that compares Alizée to Annette Funicello. @AlizeeSAfrica graciously referenced a link to Alizée America from a post from docdtv
Alizée vs Annette
I realize this is a small target audience for this, but there was some work put in here and it needs to be recognized. As always, if I missed any proper reference just let me know and I will correct it.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 11:49 AM 1 comments
Labels: Alizée vs Annette
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
John Lennon 9 October 1940 – 8 December's been 29 years
See you in Lilly Town John...
Alizée Reflections Lilly Town lyrics
Alizée Reflections coming through must be destiny
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Imagine
Monday, December 7, 2009
I am way out of line here...
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: I am way out of line here...
Alizée - My Team
From the Alizée tweet of May 12, 2009. This tweet is titled "My Team"
One thing leads to another...Just because I can not tire of that Ray Ban pic does not mean everyone else may need something different every now and then. I do admit it was a hint given to me and do not let it be said I will not try things. I thought perhaps I should match my twitter, but this picture has been in the back of my mind for days. So I decided to take an new look at it.
What did find? Well now! I realized...I can start to identify a couple of those people in that picture!
Starting on the...
What..for those in the picture...did I tease you?
The Game.
I think I have learned the game... If I say who I recognize I will get tweets, email, contact denying association and all that.
So I will say that if you happened to follow along these many months since this picture was taken you will find leads that help identify some of the team.
Thank you for getting me to look at pics again...
This may give some of you something to do while waiting for the new album
Alizée, did I play the game correctly this time? Now you know that I know something but neither of us are saying...
oh who am I kidding...silly blogger, teasers are for Alizée
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 7:48 AM 2 comments
Labels: Alizée - My Team
Saturday, December 5, 2009
A few posts ago I was talking about Coachella and picked out a French band that is being rumored to be playing there. So the way things work in my life Synchronicity kicks in.
First, I had this day dream or would be fun to do an interview with Alizée on Lucky Stars and Synchronicity in lieu of the usual. Well that was a silly frivolous thought not worthy of any type of post. I do not even know how to work it in except for a few lines...
Second, I mention this French band Phoenix...a French band at Coachella...
This band was brought to my attention earlier so I was aware of them
1) I happened to be looking at the latest rumors for Coachella and saw them listed, huh OK
2) Listening to Sirius Hits Spyder Harrison countdown in the car...wait I know this's Phoenix
Their song, 1901 was number 32 this week. (checked online and it was #17 week of 11/23), hmmm didn't know that.
3) TV is on, a commercial for Cadillac comes on...what???
Not bad for a French band in the US. So there, I mentioned it...Synchronicity...stop showing's driving me crazy...
Does this stuff happen to you too?
Wonder when I'll be doing that interview...
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 9:21 PM 1 comments
Labels: Synchronicity
Le Nid d'Alizée update
Le Nid d'Alizée update continues
Twitter is now active!
A web radio feature is now active also. I had to manually upload a plug in for firefox, working well! Updated my Safari browser and now working there also.
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 7:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: Le Nid d'Alizée update
Thursday, December 3, 2009
NRJ and other French things
NRJ (acronym read as énergie in French, pronounced [enɛʁʒi]) is a French multimedia group based in Paris. Since its foundation in 1981 as a French pop music radio station it has grown and evolved to become the NRJ Group.[1] Since 2002, NRJ has been the most popular music radio station in France and the second most popular overall in terms of audience numbers and market share; only the talk radio network RTL has more listeners. (wikipedia)
The Secret To Dating Like A French Woman
"The point is to get men and women, mixed singles and marrieds into one room for a night of lively conversation and flirting and even they even enjoy a little tussle about art or politics."
And my favorite news person Melissa Theuriau
(it has a great ending)
That was a fun break...
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: NRJ and other French things
Alizée Nation snippet
"Et sur son dos, un tatouage"
I know that many of Alizée's songs tell a personal message. I have always thought that there were instances were they try to tell us more. "Hidden eggs" in the song shall we say.
But we don't know until it happens, like mini Nostradamus quatrains....
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 8:13 AM 1 comments
Labels: Alizée Nation snippet
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Alizée Reflections Commentary
You remember a few posts back...a post on the website Alizée Reflections...we took a brief and respectful look at the painting "Destiny"
Well the real 'rest of the story' is in the commentary by dizzydog...don't miss it.
Alizée Reflections...the rest of the story
The Alizée community is just so freaking awesome I can't stand it!
In case you do not visit Alizée Reflections I will tell you a slight tweak was made, suggestions on good sources for buying Alizée CD's and DVD's. Hmmm, just in case you are looking to buy an Alizée CD in the near future.
Rabbits and Dogs what's next, oh boy!
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Alizée Reflections Commentary
become a deviant...Alizée art fan
It's deviantART silly, but that got your attention.
deviantART has its share of Alizée artwork, lots of sketches and photoshop items you all adore.
It is free to join, so you can become a deviant today, you know you want to.
There are 800+ items on Alizée, most of it relevant.
(as with all download sites...use a virus scan for downloads)
I debated on posting pics...but just go check it out...I think you will be happy.
Who may become a fan of other art and I did. I found I like elevator music.
What? It's art!!! Just ask Jo.
(ew boy, I'm going to be in trouble for that one)
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 7:21 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Coachella 2010
If you come here on any regular basis you know I am pimp for Coachella. It's not to early to talk rumors and speculations. Ahhh a chance to speculate. Oh by the way...Alizée please come to Coachella.
So what are the confirmations and rumors...well here we go, from Consequence of Sound
Let's take a look at one of those bands for our entertainment...hey, there is a French band...Phoenix playing their song 1901 on David Letterman
That felt good to speculate...even if its Coachella
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 11:43 PM 2 comments
Labels: Coachella 2010
mellealizee - Final Jeopardy
It's time for another episode of Alizée Final Jeopardy.
Here you can find episode ONE and TWO.
...and the category is.....mellealizee!
As you can see mellealizee currently has 2,458 followers...
The answer is: "They" were the first to follow @mellealizee
To help we narrowed it down to 8
Contestant #1: Well, I will have to go with: Who is Jive Epic.
Oh, nice guess but no. I can see where you were going with that but no, not Jive Epic.
Contestant #2: Let's keep it in the family and say: Who is Jo Jacotey.
Makes sense but no, sorry.
On to contestant #3,
YES!!! We have a winner.
Based on the results from
Pin It Posted by Unknown at 6:25 PM 2 comments
Labels: mellealizee - Final Jeopardy
December - Alizée
Well, it's December 1st.
At this point in time I just want to be able to hear the new single and to order the new CD.
I did send a tweet to our friends at Jive Epic (and others). Looking forward to when they will be tweeting promotions.
I have speculated my way to has been fun...well kind of. From the summer of 'give us the tools' to our craziness of the tweet wall contest. Then the false rumors of September and a then the website changes.
We are really is difficult for me not to dig and speculate and form theories of the upcoming album. It is important not to confuse the what is about to happen, I will heed the polite "hints" of those in the know. :)
But afterwards...look out.
It now needs to be about Alizée and not about Alizee Nation.
But Alizée, if you put another teaser out there, I may not be able to help myself.
There have been reports of tinkering with the official website this myspace log on since 11/ twitter updates or background changes....
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Labels: December - Alizée