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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Alizée - Business book roundup

Well now...this really is not going to appeal to all of you but a comment in the prior post made me decide to do a review of some previous posts in regards to some fad business books.

I have fun looking at marketing side of it. So glad there is someone else out there that enjoys that type of analysis.

I do not advocate Alizée should do this or should do that, I really don't care for that. Alizée is going to do what is best for Alizée. I believe and support that.

Here what we are doing is just having fun relating something we read in regards to Alizée.
Just another way to relate to Alizée.
So for all you business and marketers out there...

Based on the book "The Tipping Point"
The Tipping Point
Making it in the USA

The above was based on 'what if' in the USA, I am not sure it that is the right thing for her.
I look at the "Tipping Point" as an example of what happened in Mexico.

"The World is Flat"
The World is Flat

"Crossing the Chasm"
Crossing the Chasm

"A Whole New Mind"
this one is in the comments

"Reality Check"
Bottom up Evangelism

"The Long Tail"
The Ants Have Megaphones

Thought I had a "Freakonomics", "Wikinomics" and a Seth Godin in there but maybe not. So I hope there is something interesting in there for you and I will try to read "Crush It" in the next couple of weeks.

Remember it was just for fun...
What it does for me is it helps me understand what she may or may not want to accomplish. It forces me to look at things through Alizée's eyes. She did this or did not do that...why, and try to come up with an answer. If you keep coming up with this answer, "it doesn't make sense", then you maybe still looking at the situation through your "fan" eyes. Ask yourself "how would this make sense". "What she may not want to accomplish" seems to be a tough thought for most to get their mind around. means she does not want to come to my country....or... tour 48 out of 52 weeks a year. Maybe, I don't know but maybe! ...We keep looking for what we want to see...we keep taking the facts and trying to make them into what we want to hear. So next time you say...why isn't she doing this...say...if it were me why would I not be doing that...because that is not what I want to accomplish.

I can't believe that guy or that girl is not calling me. You're confused, it does not make sense. Look through it from that persons eyes....that is not what they want to accomplish...oh!
So, Alizée may want to be with her family, raise her child...whatever..the goals "we" have for her may not be the same goals she has for herself.

That is what the books help to do, analyze from a different point of view.

Alizee Nation


AlizeeSouthAfrica said...

Hi man, it was I that left that previous comment by the way.

Yes, you are right, one needs to see things through her eyes, when I said "frustrated" I meant that purely from a business interest/technologist point of view that the lack of engagement on the communication platforms seem like an "oversight" to me, but that is the utopian view.

In reality there are any numbers of reasons why she can't or may not want to engage on these channels, perhaps she is honestly just too busy, perhaps these channels get to clogged, maybe it is on advice from her labels marketing departments, perhaps there is a hush from the labels leading up to the launch the list goes on and on.

At least we know she is aware of the channels, we know she has a private facebook account, but I like to fantasize and sit back and wonder how I would manage her web marketing exercise if it was my job etc etc, I see Yelle's facebook page is pretty engaged for example.

Anyhow great post, lots of interesting books there, most I am aware of already in some shape or form.


AlizeeSouthAfrica said...

Oh and on this line

" means she does not want to come to my country....or... tour 48 out of 52 weeks a year. Maybe, I don't know but maybe!"

This is very valid, I think people forget sometimes that recording artists are creative people first and foremost, they want to create and then the sales are secondary - IF they care for sales. Popularity is often bitter-sweet, because it also brings much stress and other nasty things.

Just another possible angle.

wt said...

I think Alizee has been freaked out by her fans more than a few times - the early sexy image she had did not help the situation and she is still trying to change her image and even her fan base.


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