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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Alizee and French culture

French culture has been observed over the years by Polly Platt. Her information has been used by world wide corporations to help personnel adapt to the nuances of French life.

Cultures have different ways to respond to different events. Personal space for example, Americans about a yard of space, Latins half...

There is no right or wrong just differences we should be aware of.

An excerpt from the book 'French or Foe' by Polly Platt regarding time.

Unreported Meeting Changes
"They continually change their meetings - half the time without letting people know!" said Greg McNevin, an agro-chemical engineer with Sandoz. "Drives me crazy"

"For a long time it infuriated me that they would cancel meetings or hold them somewhere else without letting me know" said Chuck Theobald, a systems engineer with Federal Express, "until I realized nobody meant it badly" "after while you get used to it and don't mind it so much"

Madlyn M. was an executive in New York real estate financing...was astonished at the non-synched timing of two executives for a job interview at the BNP, a French bank. "One of them received me on the dot of the appointed meeting" she said "the other kept both of us waiting 40 minutes. He didn't say he was sorry - and didn't give an excuse. And the one that was on time didn't seem at all bothered. It was as if this was all perfectly normal"

Cultural differences, not right and wrong. For example what about maintaining a MySpace page? Could a North American view of erratic and not timely updates just be a cultural difference?

Embrace the differences.
Why not make the French language known in the United States? -Alizée
And maybe the French culture too! It's all part of the package called Alizee.

Alizee Nation



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