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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Alizee followers

"ALS " brought it up in Alizee America..."OMG We're a cult". I have been thinking about this for a long time and I am very grateful to ALS for bringing this up.

Since the subject is now open... here we go, it is starting right here, right now.

First, a positive side of cult: In common or popular usage, "cult" has a positive connotation for fan groups of art, music, writing, fiction,] and fashion devotees (wikipedia)

The Greatful Dead have 'Deadheads'
Star Trek has 'Trekkies'
Dr. Who has 'Whovians'

Cult followings often pertain to items that don't have broad mainstream appeal. But it also can refer to a devoted, dedicated fan base. If you can describe yourself by one of those two statements I have a home for you.

Now what name....
Even Alizee does not know what to call us!!!!
She called us 'Lilly Town People'

That starts me out with those initials LTPers
It would be nice to incorporate Lilly Town...Lillyheads, I am not sure that is conveying the correct message, "not that there is anything wrong with that"
LTers, Lillites, Lillyites
Jumping to Alizee for a source there is Alizites. Interesting enough I found the use of Alizites to describe Alizee back to December 2006. Could do a spoof off the song Israelites
Possibly...Alizians. Friends, Alizians, Countrymen, lend me your ears...
Mixing in the French Foreign Legion, Lillys Legions.

There may be a French word combination that works too.
Either way I am going to run with this...I am not "Lilly Town People"
We are...Alizites, We are...Alizites

In advance...there are 100 ways it will not work, I am not looking for reason 101. I am looking for 1 or 2 ways it will work. As Henry David Thoreau said 'The fault-finder will find faults even in Paradise'.

All devoted fans will be Alizites or Alizian or matter what forum you call home. A uniting of the clans, with a shared designation.

I lean towards a designation that has previously been used...
stay tuned! :-)

Alizee Nation


Ruroshen said...

But...I actually really like "Lilly Town People". :(

OK, so it's not the most elegant name for us...but it comes directly from Alizée herself, it's in English(!), and it actually sounds pretty decent in, say, the intro of a podcast! ("Hellooooo Lilly Town People!")

Interested to see what you come up with, though...

Unknown said...

hmmp... it's an interesting point. She did use it, she invented it. I did want to lean towards a Lilly type name. How about this, it plays into the song abbreviations we all use. JEAM for J'en ai marre, LTP - short for Lilly Town People. Then that can lead to that logo I have been looking for, the new LTP logo. Black shirt with purple LTP monogram, same with hats. I am liking it...

Ben said...

I've seen the Mexican fans call themselves "Alizeros" or "Alizeeros".

Unknown said...

P.S. thanks for the feedback, sometimes I just need to hear it come back at me. And as you all know, you can't talk about this with your "normal" friends, only your LTP friends.

Unknown said...

Alizeeros....I like those Alizee names, I am concerned that each clan will choose their own. Maybe the big umbrella can be LTP and the groups can break it down from there.
LTP Alizeeros

Interesting Ben

Vineet said...

Since Lilly Town People came from Alizee, all Alizee fans across the world know this term. How many know alizites or anything else.


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