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Friday, August 15, 2008

Alizee and Friends

Imagine my confusion early this morning. A blog comment takes me to a website that almost freaked me out. Not yet through my first cup of coffee, I am totally confused looking at this blog. What am I looking at??? Did I end up back on this blog by accident??? Alizee, what is going on? Wait, no, it is a new blog, with new ideas. Ha! It just looks like this one. That's OK, go for it! JUST TRY TO BE ORIGINAL ON CONTENT! We do not want to read this blog redone. So am I going to give you the link...Of course, check out Operation: Disque Drop.
This site is not in competition with other Alizee sites. Not trying to be the first, know the most...just try to offer a little different slant.
Do not want to turn it into a forum, there are already good forums out there. By the way disquedrop check out Alizee America today. Nice mention.

At there is another movement afoot: Operation Lilly Town New York

Alizee America has a podcast, tune in

Promotion of Alizee in America

Alizee Nation


Disque said...

Woo! Thanks muchly for the shoutout to Op Drop, aw. Glad you like the idea--hopefully it will light a fire under the American Alizée fans who want to get involved, but don't know how!

Sorry to confuse you with the similarity in page layout, btw, but Blogger only gives you so many templates to work with, y'know?

Thanks again!


3-column blogger templates(available in 4 different styles)