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Friday, August 14, 2009

Jive_Epic and Alizee fans

So how did Alizee fans get noticed by Jive_Epic?

As far as I know, the first it was ever mentioned was in this comment from Ruro from this post.

Ben got the creative juices flowing...edgar93, Jenny_HRO87and an anonymous comment all contributed.

Alizee Nation


Ruroshen said...


I'm thrilled that it worked, at it's awesome that Jive/Epic is responding...but it's important not to lose sight of our original objective!

Remember, the whole point (beyond getting them just to acknowledge us) was to ask them to give us the tools to help promote Alizée's new album. Given that it won't be until November, it's probably too early for them to give them to us...but it's not too early for us to let them know that we really, really want them when the time comes!

So while you're thanking them for the information, please take the opportunity to remind them (nicely, of course) as well: we need the tools! ;)


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