European Dream - Alizée - Rêve Européen Alizee Nation: Finding Alizée in the media...


Alizee Lyonnet

Alizee Lyonnet

Alizee Search

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Finding Alizée in the media...

Following up on a Tweet by @morvan (of opendisc fame) (free plug!)... morvan linked to a news search called Pickanews.
It searches through the media for your search request.

Here is an example...

and of course we shall use Alizée... can kill a whole day...

oh what's that

our favorite DJette mentioned...

Now your friends and family will see you even less...

Thank's @morvan... but now...
I wonder... does @morvan know Alizée? I would think so, at least in a business sense. Will Alizée now be reaching for her Iphone... 'where is that @morvan's number... here it is... ring... @morvan! what were you thinking? I might become popular now, what were you thinking!

Of course that was a joke, oui?

No worries... it is just an obscure post on a rogue blog. It is not as if Alizee Nation is becoming the fashionably weird thing to read, oui?

From Re-imagine by Tom Peters
"Hang out with the weird... and you will become more weird. Hang out with the dull... and you will become more dull."

Alizee Nation



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